Wednesday 2 September 2015

Struggles & Sugar Snaps...

Day Two

Hallo! Welcome to day numero duo! 

So, where to begin. Today is Wednesday and it is 19.55pm. I'm sat on the sofa, 'Bridget Jones Edge of Reason' is on, what a classic! Rather fitting as well I think. In the words of Bridget Jones, "I'm a mature, sophisticated, professional woman...and I'm going to..."...EAT THE CAT! That's right, you read correctly, I am literally going to eat my cat! dinner baby! I'm prepared to give you a head start but I am going to gobble you up in one swift GOBBLE!!!...

I had an early start this morning, 5am the alarm went off and after yet another bad night with baby bear numero uno, this was not welcome. Nevertheless, a big day ahead I stumbled to the bathroom and hit the shower (not literally...I'm not violent). Today's meal plan, if you can call it that, was the same as yesterday. So before heading out of the house I downed the gel and supplements, collected my day time supplies and headed off to meet my manager ready for our trip to Leamington. 

I have recently started working for North Devon Theatres as Media & Publicity Officer. Today my manager and I travelled to Leamington to meet this years Pantomime cast and watch the big photo shoot. I promised my manager that I would not fall asleep and that I would take over driving should she get tired. Around 20 minutes into the journey I was gone, forehead leaning on the window, a little dribble, a few head bobs... and I came too just as we were passing Stratford. I think I did really rather well. 

On arrival I felt I could do with a cwoffee...Of course refreshments had been laid out for us. I said to one of the members off staff that I shouldn't really drink coffee because I was on a detox and she excitedly piped up.."Ooooo are you doing the C9??? I've just finished it! I feel fantastic. I thought it would be hard because I love food but I thought it was OK. You aren't allowed to drink coffee, nothing with caffeine really...You can have water!???" Great! Not only was this lovely lady a C9 enthusiast, but two other people as cover had been blown. 

I guess it wouldn't have been so bad today but the sleep deprivation definitely could have been helped by some carbohydrates. Also, the lunch time spread was pretty much a bloomin lovely one, and as everyone tucked in to the chicken tikka sandwiches, rustic sausage rolls and variety of cakes...I did feel a little miserable. I sat and ate my orange...(WHAT A TIT!). It was not appreciated how funny my manager and some of the panto cast members thought this was...

By the time we left the theatre I was undeniably really hungry. Like, my stomach was eating itself kind of hungry...I don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me because I had turned my back on Carrot Cake which in my world DOES NOT HAPPEN! EVER! It's a law breaker as far as I am concerned. I have heard people say who have completed the C9 cleanse that they were surprised at how they didn't feel as hungry as they thought they would...this is not the case for me. I'm so hungry right now! Like, I will seriously eat the cat if she gets within arms reach. 

I was so hungry in Sainsbury's this evening that when an elderly lady started to follow me down the pet aisle telling me a story about how her vet had told her that she needs to stop feeding her dog 'Bakers' dog food, I almost told her that if she had any left I would eat them for her...but rather than do that I just mumbled and walked away. Normally I would have stopped for a chat with her. So mean! I guess being hungry really does make you a miserable fart! And a stinky one! 

I think it is only fair that I am completely honest with you and point out (as I said we would take this journey together, hand in hand) that although I did good in resisting today's luncheon spread...I have had two relapses. I am not proud, and I feel bad but...I accepted a polo mint today! I accepted it and ate it...pretty much swallowed it whole. Then...and this is even I was putting the shopping away this evening, I...oh god this is embarrassing...I...I ate a slice of ham!!! Dear god forgive me. I am only human, I really don't want to eat the cat! Not deep down. Needs must I'm afraid. 

In summary, I think I've made it rather clear I haven't found today particularly easy. Temptations have been staring at me in the face left right and centre. The luncheon spread, the stop off at Gloucester Services which are just lovely and full of local farm treats! Like a giant deli it is! You have to go if you are ever passing on the M5! I bought some garlic just to fill the urge to buy something didn't really work and made the journey home a bit smelly. Of course, there was also the shopping trip to Sainsbury's...bit hard! 

NOW what is important is to discuss how I am actually feeling aside from the hunger. My stomach last night was really rather vocal and I was a bit windy. I expected this from a 'Cleanse' however, the stomach cramping, although not unbearable, has stayed with me throughout today. My urine is very smelly although I am drinking lots of water. I haven't had regular bowl movements as I normally would...HOWEVER this is only day two, I'm not ready to give up just yet, and the good news is tomorrow on day 3 I only have to endure one portion of aloe gel AND I get to eat an evening meal!!! Yay! I'm looking forward to that yes I am. I am looking forward to preparing a meal with fresh ingredients and really, truly appreciating every single mouthful. That will be lush! 

So as I sit here eating a bowl of sugar snap peas (which are absolutely delicious I might add), feeling a little tired, hope is not lost. There is light at the end of this tunnel and I am sure the energised and revitalised new me is just around the corner...


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