Thursday 10 September 2015


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! THANK CHRIST FOR THAT! It is OVER!!! HOORAAAYYYY TO ME!

As I put down my forever drinking bottle and kiss a sweet goodbye to shakes and gel I can sit back with a smug little smile and finally say...PASS ME THE CHEESE!!!

Not much to report really from the past few days, just more of the same stuff and a whole lot of sugar new fave! So what I would really like to do is sum up the cleanse and talk about how I am feeling now that I've been through it and how I plan to move forward from this whole GHASTLY experience. Haha, it really wasn't THAT bad.

First off, it was my anniversary yesterday, 5 years of marriage to my hunk of a hubster and I have to tell you that I had half a bottle of bad! The effects of this on my brain after 9 days of starvation were not great. I fell asleep on the sofa catching up on 'The Great British Bake Off" (Yes Yes, I like to party) and woke up in a deranged, confused mess! Needless to say, not a great way to end Day 8! Still...You win some you lose some.

SO! Lets talk about how I am feeling...I have lost 4pounds and 4inches however, our scales are a little unreliable, you can stand on them then get off then get back on again and within a few seconds you have gained a stone. Always upsetting. Gets me every time! "GOOD GOD NO!!! A WHOLE STONE!!!??? WHAT DID I DO??? BREATHE AIR???" As for the 4inches, that's spread out across my waist, chest, thighs and calves so all in all it doesn't sound a lot. Nevertheless, it wasn't the weight loss I was doing it for. I DO also have to mention that in the C9 booklet it states that on days 3-9 you should be doing 30 minutes of strenuous exercise...NOW there's a little thing that has hindered my exercising capacity this last week that I like to call 'Life'. Being that I work now 3 days a week, when I am not at work I do feel and want to be, spending time with my little bear cubs! Therefore, attending exercise classes/swimming etc has taken a slight back burner until I can get organised enough to work it all out. I am good at doing squats and sit ups in the evenings when they are in bed but even I know that is not enough. A hectic lifestyle and two children does mean that I am usually rushing around, I'm sure I burn plenty of calories on an average day in this way! However, the C9 says 30 minutes exercise a day...and I have officially recorded NIL! If I had...who knows, I could be looking like Kate Moss right now...

I have heard people say that after completing the C9 they have been super happy with how their hair and skin feels. Alas, I cannot say this is the case for moi. My hair and skin feels pretty much the same...I am a MASSIVE avocado fan and I have always noticed my skin decline if for any reason I don't eat them for a little while. So today I bought four of the beauties! BABOOM! Looking forward to those...not all at once! Obvs.That's just silly!

The one thing that I have been super impressed with, and it only occurred to me driving into work yesterday, was that I have been feeling really calm and content. Since the birth of my second son just over a year ago I have suffered with some anxiety issues. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't spent a little amount of time, and sometimes a lot of time, worrying about my health and becoming ill. I've lost sleep worrying about finding out something is wrong with me. I have worried a lot about death and not seeing my bears grow up. Which, having discussed this with other Mums, even my own, this is quite common. But as I drove into the car park yesterday morning, the sun was blazing and I had been singing along to the morning radio show...I suddenly realised that for the past 9 days I hadn't thought about anything like that. Not even once. This leads me to believe that anxiety is chemical and something in my diet/lifestyle has been feeding this in some way. I'm not in fact a nervous mess which is a nice discovery. So, I am now determined to keep to fresh foods, cut down on the obviously naughty things. Last night we had fresh cod with a massive salad. I've been snacking on free foods and have totally cut down on salt and bread...this is a good start. If the C9 has done anything good for me it has helped me to feel like a young, determined, fighting fit woman...not man. SO I can understand completely why for people who DO want to change their lifestyles and lose some unwanted weight, it is a very good start! Whether or not I think it should go on for longer that 9 days is another question. As a good firm kick up the arse! YES! Go for it. If you struggle to get going the C9 is strict and intense, you will see results and this in itself is addictive. You will want to lose more so will already be on the road to success. I am still a FIRM believer that a well balanced, healthy diet and an active lifestyle is the key to a happy, healthy you. CRIPES this is a mighty long paragraph! Moving swiftly on...

I did the C9 because I wanted to have a good cleanse. Has it worked? I have absolutely no idea. If I had the ability to dive briefly into my colon and intestines I would, just to let you know the results. Im sure you would absolutely love to know! But alas, I cannot. However, the fact that I like this healthier mind that I have indeed noticed in myself, is definitely going to encourage me to think about what goes into my mouth and how natural the ingredients are.

I have before and after pics but they are HILARIOUS because I don't look any different! I think my results are mainly from within...PAH!

Before Front

Before Side

After Front

After Side

I Promise you that I didn't wear the same underwear for nine days!

So there you have it! If you need a lifestyle change and you have dedication, by all means this cleanse has the potential to get you on the right track! You do have to be super super dedicated. I did cross the finish line but I did trip up a few times on the way. Afterall, life is short and I am a mere mortal.

I hope you have enjoyed this diary blog and that in some small way it has been useful...and if it hasn't, I hope you have been entertained. Thank you to my pal who provided me with the C9 and for all of your encouragement! You know who you are! If any of you lovely readers are interested in finding out more about the C9 then you can visit my friends Forever page

And it is with the great, wise words of Bugs Bunny that I say goodbye, thank you and...

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