Sunday 6 September 2015

Days 5 & 6 - Surviving the Weekend...

Evening readers...

Apologies for the absence of 'Nine Day Diary' yesterday. With it being the weekend and all I felt like a night off, especially as I had me old pal Dora HobbKnob visiting. (She is getting married in 20 days!!! :) Yay!)

I hope that any present readers have had a lovely few days and any future readers...hello, welcome, I trust you are alive and well. 

So, as we all know, for many people, weekends are seen as a time in which we relax and indulge a little. This can be difficult if you are following a strict regime such as the Clean 9. Seeing as my bud was staying we decided we needed to make the most of the time that we had by going on a fun day out. After discussing the options with my two and a half year old, it was evident that he most definitely wanted to go to the North Devon family attraction that is 'The Big Sheep'. I think it was the fact that he kept shouting 'The Big Sheep, The Big Sheep...come on lets go!' that persuaded us. Therefore, after everyone had enjoyed breakfast and I had not so much enjoyed mine (aloe gel and another shake) we got ready and off we went...YAY! FUN DAY OUT! 

So there we were, finally at The Big Sheep. It really is a great day out, so much fun for all the family. We started off by bottle feeding the lambs, we left the kids outside because we didn't want them to get dirty. By the time we'd finished with that it was lunch time so off we went to the cafe. I prepared lunch for little baby but not for bigger baby. So that meant my husband, Dora AND son had the pleasure of ordering from 'The Big Sheep' menu which is just so...DIRTY! In a mouth wateringly, I want some dirty grease kind of way! Oh my gawd you should have seen the burger that came to our table that the hubster ordered. It was intense! Big baby bear had chicken and chips of which he ate about 2 chips so there were plenty of them hanging around, and Dora who is a vegetarian had possibly the most tastiest, cheesiest, pesto dripping, hot, gooey, panini that I have every feasted my eyes upon. Man...I felt like a prisoner in my OWN BODAYYYYY!!! I'm not proud of the fact that I stared at her eating it and started to hallucinate. I hallucinated about flying across the table, slapping her in the face and stealing her panini and then eating her panini whilst she ran away crying...By the time I came to, the panini was gone and I was back to safety. My husband let me have a nibble on his gherkin. Good man!

I sat quietly for the rest of lunch time sipping my raspberry and elderflower fibre fuzz tea...I'm glad I didn't steal my friends panini... 

Panini. Panini and cheese. Panini and cheese and pesto. We had a lovely day. 

Stay away from paninis if you plan to do the Clean 9. They could turn you and gain you a criminal record. 

NOW THEN. Saturday evening, I wanted to take Dora to our local pub down the road so it made sense that we stayed and had din dins there. I believe there is no way to sugar coat this so I will just come right out and say it...I had tomato and mozzarello salad which came with FOUR pieces of wholemeal bread. The salad was not very big and I only ate one of the slices. So I am quite positive this stayed within my 600 calorie limit...I also had a few onion rings and one and a half glasses of red wine. I f***ed up. I apologise. Let's move on...

Can't believe I found this image of red wine and onion rings on the internet!!! 

Today I have been really good, back to nibbling on mangetits and tomatoes. I had a roast dinner this evening. I have no idea how to calculate accurately how many calories are in your average roast but I did double up on the cabbage to to satisfy my appetite. Husband Googled the average amount of calories in a 'light' roast dinner and I think it was around 650. So I think I'm good. I have had a good amount of energy in the mornings. However, after a very long and busy week I have felt really tired this afternoon. 

All in all the Clean 9 is going OK. I know I messed up and I would really appreciate it if we could just let that go, don't judge me. It could have been worse, I could have attacked my good friend Dora and eaten all that cheese and gone to prison! I have generally been really really good...I have drank nothing but water and detox tea all week AND I've eaten my body weight in raw vegetables. Having said all of this, andjokes aside, I haven't struggled that much with hunger, it's not been that bad. I guess I am finding it a little bit boring. I cooked a full English breakfast this morning for both Dora and me other'alf and as they tucked in I endured yet more gel and drank my shake...BORING! I would be a liar and a goon if I said I wasn't interested in the mushrooms, hash browns, sausages, fried eggs, beans...etc etc. You get it. Considering this is supposed to be a kick start into a new, healthier way of thinking, I guess I feel like...I understand, I do...but in order to do this cleanse, you really do have to be super super dedicated and strict with yourself...

Drinking Aloe Gel...
Washing down Aloe Gel with water...
Having an aloe gel melt down! 

As for my insides, all excellent in that department! Healthiest in a while. In musical terms, I feel like my bowel movements have converted from 'Scat Man' to 'Pavarotti'. A much larger and fuller version. 

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