Friday 4 September 2015

Day Four - Omelette Du Chemicale...


Today has been a good day. I had a little lie in courtesy of the Hubster. What a guy! I woke up feeling a bit hungry but nothing I couldn't handle. I did very much need a wee though. No surprises really when you consider just how much water I have been consuming these past few days and how little substance.

I was perplexed to say the least when Hubby decided to taste the aloe vera gel and casually passed it back to me saying there was nothing wrong with it. What an idiot. It takes like utter s***! What a way to piss on my fire...anyway, it does taste like crap I don't care what he says.

Kept myself busy today, took the two bears swimming with my pal and her lil fella which was fun. It is quite a challenge doing the whole swimming thing with TWO small ones, however this was made much easier with help from my companion. She is good! We ordered the boys lunch in the leisure center cafe after the swim and she did ask me if it was really hard sat watching them eat their chicken & chips/tuna jacket and actually it wasn't. I seem to have been ignoring it without giving it much thought, after all, I did have a lemon & ginger tea with 'fibre fuzz' in it! What more could I want?

Swimming, hoovering and mopping the whole downstairs floors (a workout in itself) AND 300 squats has been my workout today. Plus I have had a nice Epsom Salts bath. I feel good!

I was a little concerned after a friend had commented on my FB about this 'Cleanse' the other day. He mentioned that this was a scam and that it was dangerous starving myself and putting chemicals inside of my body! An excellent and very valid point. So, with this is mind and wanting to clear this up with you my readers, I set husband the task of researching the contents of the supplements that I have been taking at breakfast, lunch and dinner...'Forever Garcinia Plus' & 'Forever Therm'. I would have been really cross to find out if they were actually full of chemicals, however, I guess that was something that really I should have looked into before I started the 'Cleanse'!

Hubby couldn't find anything bad with the ingredients...

Garcinia Plus - Garcinia cambogia extract, safflower oil, gelatin, glycerin, medium-chain triglyceride vegetable oil (MCT or thin oil) purified water, beeswaxlecithin, carob extract, titanium dioxide, and chromium picolinate

I have googled most of these. I admit 'Titanium' made me go 'WTF!?' but it seems ok. Not quite as herbal as I imagined though!

Therm - Go to this page...

Apparently a unique blend of nutrients and botanical extracts!!! All sounds very natural and lovely but it is very hard to find information that hasn't been published by 'Forever'. So if you are at all interested I would advise you to do your own research before starting rather than being a numpty like myself!

All in all I am finding the C9 much more manageable now. One portion of Aloe for brekkie along with a shake and pills, a shake for lunch with pills and a 600 calorie meal at dinner time which I am now going to go and enjoy...Omelette Du Chemicale! Ooooops, I mean, Omelette Du Champignon! Teehee...

But before I go, I caught a glimpse of myself in the kitchen window last night and could see that I looked a bit leaner on top. I must tell you that as I was drying big bear tonight after his bath he started to play with my collar bones! At first I laughed at this, especially because he was making them talk to each other as he does with his toy cars! Wasn't long before I suddenly realised...this is a bit weird!!! Don't get me wrong, I am no Kate Moss...But still...

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