Thursday 3 September 2015

Day Three - SHE EATS!!!

Ello ello ello. I'm back! I've survived another day and it aint been'alf bad.

Soooo...A much better night with the two bears. Was woken up at around 5am and 6am but then we all got back to sleep again and slept until 8.30am which is a rare treat. Today has been a happy day because my husband returned home from a five and a half week trip offshore. To say that we were excited to see him would be an understatement. I did wake up this morning feeling not quite right. A bit of a headache, a bit achy, I was hungry, obvs! Thankfully I knew that after breakfast of aloe gel that I wouldn't have to drink any more of that ghastly stuff for the rest of the day, and that certainly put a spring in my step. A nice big springy one.

I think that being at home with my bears today really helped with the whole lack of food thing as they really are great fun and keep me really busy. So as I endeavoured to keep them entertained, did a bit of house work and got myself spruced up a bit, I didn't really have time to think about what  I wanted to put in my mouth! Which made a nice change from the last two days...OH and probably a good time to let you know that Mavis, is sadly no longer with us. I did eat was quick and she didn't feel much pain.

Lunch time was more pills and a shake which was OK. The chocolate shake really is fine to drink. The texture and flavour is that of an oaty milkshake I think. I don't drink milk usually as I don't really like it but I've been fine with it, which is really good to know as I know how good it is for you. So maybe that's a real positive of doing this.

I made a slight slip up late morning when elder bear found a pot of biscuits that had a little section of chocolate spread inside, you know the ones...well I brought some back from my besties hen weekend and he found them today, so as I took the lid off for him I thought it would be a good idea to explain to him how these snacks work as he is only young. Of course, I was only thinking of him, he needed a demonstration or else he wouldn't have enjoyed the full experience of dipping the biscuit into the silky chocolate...So, I took it upon myself to show him...I selected a biscuit finger, I dunked it and before I could even think what I was doing and stop the situation, my naughty hand had put it into my mouth and it somehow found its way down my throat and into my stomach. NAUGHTY HAND!!! NAUGHTY!!!

After yesterdays shopping trip I have had the pleasure of nibbling on free foods this afternoon. I've had a few strawberries, some grapes and an abundance of Mangetout! Mangetout and Sugar Snap Peas are great because they are crunchy and really satisfy the need to veg.

Mangetout??? Mangetit more like!!!

NOW THEN...Let's talk about dinner...yes oh yes oh yes oh yes! Today, on day numero trois of this 'C9' challenge I have been able to eat a main meal at dinner time. A meal of up to 600 calories. The prospect of having proper food today has kept me going and boy oh boy have I looked forward to cooking for myself. Something super yummy! So much so that the big issue has been trying to decide what on earth to have? What do you eat when you want to eat absolutely everything you can get your hands on??? I narrowed it down to two options, new potatoes and salad were a given BUT to have that accompanied with a mushroom omelette or chicken breast??? After consulting the Oracle that is my lovely friend Gemma, I opted for chicken as we both agreed, it would be more filling.

The plate is realllllllly small, I promise! 

Bloody hell it was lovely, I enjoyed making it all from fresh, I boiled my pots and made my salad as i slowly fried the chicken breast in a jerk spice paste...So good. I have to say that usually after eating it takes about 10 minutes before I have to dash to the loo and relieve myself. I usually feel very full and a little uncomfortable. However, I haven't felt like that at all this evening. I feel pleasantly satisfied but totally not full and bloated. Thumbs up to that! AND usually I eat my tea and may consider picking on some crisps or something after, but that hasn't even crossed my mind this evening. I feel good.

On day 3 the booklet advises you to weigh yourself again. I do seem to have lost a few pounds but HELLO I've literally been starved for the past couple of days!!! SO it's no shocker!

I have to say, tomorrow is another day and in terms of food, I am not dreading it at all. I CAN DO THIS!!!

So, there you have it. I did want to mention that I felt like my bowel movement looked a lot healthier today than usual...I don't usually study them in detail to be honest, no more than any normal soul I'm sure, they aren't all that to look at really. Yet, seeing as I am writing a blog about a 'Cleanse' I feel it only appropriate to discuss this matter...and it does seem to be a bit different and definitely for the better...To learn more about what an example of a healthy stool is, please check out the image below...Pahahahahahahahahaha...(but seriously, it's important) Good night!

How much do they weigh??? Are they serious!? My scales are for cakes not for poops! 

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